Virtual Operation

  1. Perform routine back office chores. This starts to get things unraveled so that I can see what’s happening and what’s not happening. It’s always a good starting place and a way to learn the clients business from the ground up.
  2. Develop and implement administrative procedures customized for individual clients.  Every business has recurring tasks. If these tasks are not performed in a systematic, orderly fashion where things can be checked and verified – something will surely fall through the cracks. Procedures are just organizational tools to close the cracks.
  3. Begin performing more complex, multi-layered tasks. As I help my clients identify areas of their business they can delegate this frees even more of their time. Ultimately, they find that they are able to be more focused, perform better and be much more productive.
  4. Take initiative in resolving issues and dealing with vendors, clients, potential clients and others. As I get to know my clients business and understand the way they work I’m able to stand in for them so that they don’t have to attend to every detail. I can answer questions (or get the answer) and even make some decisions based on my collaborative relationship with my client. When things filter through me it ultimately saves the client time.
  5. Periodic updates throughout the day. Communication – This is the collaborative relationship I spoke of in step 4. Making sure we’re on the same page, being aware of changes, additions, shifts or cancellations. Knowing what’s scheduled, what’s needed, deadlines, obstacles and yes, achievements – helps us work better together. When we both know what’s going on outcomes will always be better. Communication between client and VA is a must!

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